Recognizing and accepting that you have a drug addiction is the first step toward recovery. It’s important to understand that addiction is not a character flaw or a sign of weakness. Use alternative therapies and holistic approaches alongside evidence-based treatments and under professional guidance. They complement traditional therapies, promote well-being, and contribute to recovery.

• Developing a detailed relapse prevention plan and keeping it in a convenient place for quick access when cravings hit, which helps guard against relapse in the future. A good relapse prevention plan specifies a person’s triggers for drug use, lists several coping skills to deploy, and lists people to call on for immediate support, along with their contact information. Recovery involves rebuilding a life— returning to wellness and becoming a functioning member of society. Every person needs a comprehensive recovery plan that addresses educational needs, job skills, social relationships, and mental and physical health.

How can I prevent relapse during my recovery?

These programs usually consist of a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months. Timing will depend on any care needed after rehab, such as daycare or enrollment at an inpatient treatment facility. Underlying mental health conditions also dictate how long rehab lasts. If your loved one displays the symptoms of a substance use disorder, your relationship is  likely affected by their substance misuse in multiple ways, including emotionally, physically, and financially. You may even find yourself interacting with them in a manner that is called codependency. If you’re dealing with long-term addiction, a addiction treatment program is best for you.

It’s important to understand that psychological addiction continues long after physical dependence. This is why a 60-day program is much better for dealing with mental and emotional connections to addiction. This part of your recovery involves group meetings and one-on-one sessions with drug addiction recovery a drug counselor. The beginning step on the road to recovery is getting help with drug or alcohol rehab. Rehab is your best shot at truly getting sober and staying that way. These symptoms can be difficult to manage, but with the right support and care, they can be managed effectively.

How to Help a Person Recovering From an Addiction

The results of our concept analysis revealed that many personal and social factors were affected with regard to the person in recovery and the recovery process, as this phenomenon is multidimensional. Health care professionals and clinicians should be aware of the different suitable approaches that should be taken to promote and maintain recovery. The imbalance of power between a person in recovery and clinicians and the focus on abstinence is another important issue and can be resolved by focusing on the definition. We will report the analytic phase of this research project as an addiction recovery concept analysis in Iran.

recovery from drug addiction process

After conducting a systematic search using the aforementioned databases, the records retrieved from different databases were saved in Endnote files, which were eventually merged into a shared Endnote file (Figure 1). The relevant articles to the research objectives were found and filtered by analyzing 9520 titles stored in this software. Afterwards, the abstract sections of the selected articles were retrieved. After reading the abstracts of the articles and assessing them based on the research criteria, a total of 437 articles were selected. Then, several electronic magazines were searched to obtain the full-texts of the articles with the reviewed titles. Eventually, 34 articles matching the research objectives were selected and 5 articles mentioned in the reference sections of some of the articles were included in the study.